
An attendant arrives with Bloom’s card saying he wants access to the Kilkenny People and the Librarian immediately goes to attend to his request. Mulligan seizes Bloom’s card and immediately makes the Jewish connection. He has just spied Bloom at the Museum closely inspecting the rectums of Greek statues. John Eglington leads the conversation back to Mrs Shakespeare. Stephen talks of affluent London and the extravagant lifestyle enjoyed for twenty years by Shakespeare and his contemporaries Sir Walter Raleigh and Eliza Tudor, as a debauched and happy time, and perhaps Shakespeare may be the spurned lover of the sonnets. Stephen imagines Ann as hot blooded and unless Shakespeare has incorporated her into Act Five in Hamlet then there is no mention of her for thirty four years until the day she buries him. The resilience of women is apparent, according to Stephen, in that they all bury their men folk. The only mention there is about Ann Hathaway gives details of her needing to borrow money while Shakespeare lived the rich life in London. Even worse, when he died he only bequeathed her his ‘second best’ bed. Mulligan introduces Dowdon’s accusation of pederasty against Shakespeare. Stephen outlines details to substantiate the Shylock characteristics of Shakespeare and that the Scottish witch-hunt influenced Macbeth. He flits through a kaleidoscope of philology and theology to stupefy all present. John Eglington wants proof that Shakespeare was a Roman and Mulligan groans as Stephen starts to quote from Thomas Aquinas. Concepts of intermarriage and incest and the differences between Christian and Jewish must be left to be sorted out on Doomsday. A man holding ownership over property and wife may not covet his servant’s wife or his neighbour’s ass. They speculate about Ann Hathaway being laid out in her ‘second best’ bed and whether she took up with gospellers in her old age or if, the spiritual benefits of snuff, was a symptom of a life spent as a whore. Our worst enemies are often within families and we cannot expect great poets to have ordinary family lives. Shakespeare’s great inspiration followed his father’s death. Stephen endeavors to establish that the relationship between father and son can only be a mystical association. He argues that it is the basis of the Roman Catholic Church and not the Madonna which was created as something tangible to placate the rabble. There are virtually no recorded incidents of sexual violation between fathers and sons. Stephen plays with the fact that a son can be a son without a father and therefore it logically follows the same applies to being a father. Indeed Hamlet being no more a son may have been liberated to become father of all his race. Mulligan enjoying the hypothesis, mimes being big with child. Stephen says, as well as Hammet, Shakespeare’s son, his three brothers also got subsumed into his plays. King Lear has both an Edmund and Richard the names of his brothers. He hides his own name everywhere in plays and sonnets. Shakespeare found his star on the horizon one summer evening as he crossed the fields from his dalliance with Ann Hathaway.